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About WFC

The Walter Fitzgerald Campus of the Fairfield Public School District offers a transformative high school experience for students seeking a quality education in a small & highly skilled community. With an emphasis on student engagement in rigorous  curriculum experiences, well defined values (Integrity, Respect and Responsibility), and focus on the development of key executive function skills, the Walter Fitzgerald Campus student is prepared for post-secondary life and future choices related to college and careers.

The Walter Fitzgerald Campus is founded on the belief that the Fairfield Public Schools welcomes all students seeking a meaningful and dynamic high school education. The Fairfield Public School alternative high school model is a synthesis of best practices to develop healthy relationship skills and intellectually engaged young adults who find meaning in their learning. Through a dynamic staff of expertly trained teachers and mental health professionals, the incorporation of Buck Institute Gold Standard, Google Education, Restorative Practices, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Positive Behavior Supports and the Circle of Courage, students are encouraged to engage with their environment and to make an impact in the greater community. Parents are invited to participate in parent circles and schoolwide endeavors to collaboratively strengthen students’ ability to thrive on the school campus and in life. Successful students are those who are willing to participate in challenging educational experiences which encourage unique ideas, talents and interests while deepening inquiry and producing authentic, impactful presentations.

School Hours

8:00 am - 2:00 pm